Empower your documents with Orovault's AI-driven DMS

  • Experience automated accounting solutions with Orovault DMS
  • Dependable instruments for precise data, streamlined efficiency, and enhanced productivity
  • Trusted tools for accurate data, efficiency, and productivity

AI Data Extraction

Say goodbye to tedious manual data entry with our advanced AI-powered machine learning algorithms. Orovault DMS can quickly and accurately extract data from your documents and display it in an easy-to-use UI. Whether you’re dealing with invoices, receipts, or contracts, our product can help you save time and effort by automating the data extraction process. With our product, you can focus on more important tasks and leave the data extraction to us. Try it today and see the difference for yourself!

Robust Search

With Orovault DMS search, you can easily search for specific information within your documents. Our AI-powered machine learning algorithms can extract data from your documents, including invoice numbers, company names, and more. Once the data is extracted, you can use our easy-to-use UI to search for the information you need. Whether you’re dealing with invoices, receipts, or contracts, our product can help you save time and effort by automating the data extraction process.

Document organization

Orovault DMS is a software that helps you manage your documents by allowing you to label and categorize them into your preferred categories. This makes it easier for you to find and retrieve your documents when you need them. With Orovault DMS, you can upload your documents and label them with relevant keywords or phrases that describe their content. You can then categorize them into folders or categories that make sense to you. This way, you can easily find your documents when you need them without having to search through multiple folders or directories.


Orovault DMS allows you to create multiple users and switch between them to view their documents. You can also share your documents with other users and set permissions to control who can access them. This feature can help you organize your documents and collaborate more effectively with your team.

How it works

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